"China manufacturer Data Acquisition Module ADAM-4024 for power generation
Is to use the generator sets of professional power plant supporting model products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul, technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commission, after-sales service Perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim.
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
#DF-Data Acquisition Module ADAM-4024-DF
3 Wire RTD Sensor TR-301-306
LVDT Measurement LVDT-100-6
Magnetic Speed Sensors CS-1 D-085-05-01
4mm rtd pt100 WZP2-221
linear displacement transducer C9231120
Sensor DET-250B
LVDT Position Sensors 6000TDGN-30-01-01
Gear tooth sensor CS-1 G-110-03-00
lvdt working principle 6000TD
displacement sensor sany TDZ-1D-04
lvdt linear position sensor TDZ-1E-22
linear displacement transducer ZDET50B
lvdt linear position sensor K156.33.31.04G01
sensor de lvdt
shaft rotation sensor E16521D.3
turbine speed sensor bme tcu 143.35.191
lvdt working principle 10000TD
linear displacement sensor TDZ-1E-21
lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor TDZ-1E-01
thermal resistance WZP2-235
linear displacement transducer B151.36.09G42
TC Sensor TE-110
sensor speed D-090-02-01
steam turbine bolt heater ZJ-22-T
LVDT Displacement Sensors TD-1-1000
thermal resistance WZP2-441-B/A3(Pt100
turbine speed sensors ecu plate 70085-1010-214
heater thermocouple WRNK2-321\φ8\K
oil pressure gauge HS75678
Serial Communication Card PCL-745B
Pressure switch J120K-540\50~1740Pa
thermowell flange WRN2-630 LX1=225*76
lvdt full form B151.36.06(1)G03
cartridge heater electric ZJ-22-10(R)
output shaft speed sensor WZ-GC
lvdt-sensor HL-6-250-15
Data Acquisition Module ADAM-4024
Resistance Thermometers WRN-332NM
Digital RPM Meter DF9011 Pro
lvdt-sensor TD-1-50
linear variable displacement transducer TDZ-1E-013
speed sensor CS-1 D-088-02-01
linear variable displacement transducer TD-1-350
thermal resistance WZPK-338
lvdt working principle TD-1-250
heat expansion meter
inductive displacement sensor B151.
LVDT Position Sensors FRD-3000TD
platinum rhodium thermocouple wire WRN-332NM
thermocouple pt100 WRN2-4312
LVDT Position Sensors ZD-8000TDA
electric cooking heating element JHG03-LYY6KW380V
Magnetic Pick-up Speed Sensor CS-3F-M16*1-L70
RTD PT 1000
dc speed control sensor G-080-02-01
Digital display AC ammeter PA194I-2X1
platinum resistance thermometer WZP2-235
liquid level transmitter FMP54-37L7/U15\E+H
Differential Pressure Transmitter CMS-I 0.3MPa
angular displacement sensor A156.33.42.04
shaft rotation sensor D-100-02-01
thermocouple probe WRNK2-346
Sensor mounting bracket PM-10
cartridge heater with thermocouple ZJ-20-12(R)
Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors DN3 6C OPC CA1A
Thermistor Sensor WZPK-24 φ6
thermocouple k type WRN2-0301T
lvdt-sensor 16000TDGN
lvdt sensor
lvdt full form A157.33.42.03
rpm sensor generator ZS-04 L=65
temperature transmitter pt100 WZPM2-08-67.5-M18-B
lvdt working principle FRD.WJA2.601H
Data Acquisition Module ADAM-4024