; address of second controller:
device parameter 1101 2 ; target node number 2 (arcnet address)
online login
delay 15000 ; for download (15 seconds, long enough?? => change if necessary)
online createbootproject ; start flashing
delay 10000 ; 10 sec for flashing process
online run
delay 2000
online logout
delay 7000 ; 7 sec. for logout
; repeat from target address for further controllers
file close
file quit
In our example the write protected project download.pro is sent via ARCNET to the ARCNET
subscribers 35 and 2. The project is flashed in each controller and then started. If necessary,
the set wait times must be modified according to the program length.
To call the command file:
? Select "Start" => "Run"
? Enter:
c:\programme\ac1131\ac1131.exe /cmd "c:\programme\ac1131\projekte\abb.cmd"
In this case the command file abb.cmd and the project downloadbatch.pro are located in the