"China supplier Current Transformer 11kV (1TA, 2TA) AS12/150B/2 power plant spare parts
Is to use the generator sets of professional power plant supporting model products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul, technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commission, after-sales service Perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim.
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
#DF-Current Transformer 11kV (1TA, 2TA) AS12/150B/2-DF
pressure switch 6RN-KK5-M4-C1A
high temperature sensor WZPM2-08-150-M18-S
angular displacement sensor TDZ-1E-24
liquid level controller Z1204728
lvdt 0-300 C9231121
lvdt sensor DET-600A
replace thermocouple TC03A2-KY-2B/S19
Analog Linear Displacement Sensor TDZ-1B-31
inductive displacement sensor C9231117
LVDT Measurement K151.36.06.001
lvdt 0-300 A156.33.42.04
sensor de lvdt B151.36.09.04-007
LVDT Position Sensors LVDT-35-3
full form of lvdt
input speed sensor CS-I-D-065-05-01
Type K Thermocouple Cartridge WRNK2
sensor speed CS-3-M10*1 L=130
thermocouple k-type WRNK2-291 φ5
temperature sensors WZP2-001A
stainless steel tubular heater DJ15
turbine speed sensor bme tcu DF6101-000-065-01-03-00-00
lvdt transducer HL-3-250-15
Sheathed thermocouple WRNK2-294
lvdt 20mm sensor TDZ-1G-41
inductive displacement sensor TD-1GN-160-01-01
thermocouple pt100 TE-207
LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors B151.36.09.04-012
lvdt displacement transducer DET50A
Pt100 Temperature Rtd Sensor WZPM2-08-040-M18-S
lvdt displacement sensor B151.36.09.04-012
3 Wire RTD Sensor WZPM-201
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor 4000TD
thermal resistance WZPM2-08-035-M18-S
lvdt 0-300 ZD-5000TDB
LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors DET-800A
LVDT Displacement Sensors DET100A
Current Transformer 11kV (1TA, 2TA) AS12/150B/2
Relay Output Card PCL-735
angular displacement sensor TDZ-1B-03
thermocouple k-type WRN2-4312
lvdt working principle LVDT-1000-6
lvdt displacement sensor ZD-10000TDB
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor TD-6-4204
thermistor WRNK2-346
lvdt sensor A156.33.31.24
lvdt 20mm sensor LVDT-25-6
sensor speed G-090-02-01
thermocouple probe WRNK2-221
lvdt probe 3000TDZ-A
rtd sensor WZPK2-213
LVDT Position Sensors TDZ-1G-05
replace thermocouple TE-105
Alarm detector SC-22PT 22 kHz
lvdt transducer B151.36.09.04-007
pt100 temperature controller WZPK-646
thermowell WRNK2-221
Magnetic Sensors 70085-1010-414 3/4-20
output shaft speed sensor CS-1 L=75
inductive displacement sensor 4000TDZ-B
Non-Contact Linear Displacement sensor TDZ-1-45
415v heating element ZJ-21-1
thermistor WREX-001
Resistance Temperature Detector WZP2-235
thermocouple voltage WREK2-230
thermocouple sensor WRNK2-191M
k type thermocouple 1200c WRNK2-292
ptfe pt100 temperature sensor WZPM-014S
dc speed control sensor ZS-03 L=75
thermocouple type k TE-112
rpm meter gauge NE9611
lvdt displacement sensor 181.36.06G03
sensor lvdt TD-1100S
lvdt transducer DET-25A
Current Transformer 11kV (1TA, 2TA) AS12/150B/2