The Fred hydraulic feed PTO wood chipper is one of the most simple and lowest maintenance on the market.
As many compact tractors are not fitted with hydraulic remotes as standard we have fitted our 6 inches chipper with their own hydraulic pump that runs off the PTO.
We offer different chippers with our hydraulic feed and they all feed extremely well. The benefit of the hydraulic model is the feed speed can be made faster or slower that it can chip at a speed that the out shoot can handle.
Using the hydraulic feed model there is less preparation work cutting branches to feed as the dual barrel feed rollers with drag the branches in and this is a great help when chipping the heads of trees.
The feed has 3 settings, neutral, feed and reverse.
It runs a direct drive from the PTO shaft without the need for gears or belt drives.
Very little horse power is required with heavy weight rotor fitted with 4 double-edge cutting knives.