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Supplier Homepage Electronic Sensors, sensitive components speed sensor China factory Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20 for India Thermal Power

China factory Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20 for India Thermal Power

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1 piece US $
Production Capacity: 10000
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China factory Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20  for India Thermal Power
Selection of advanced technology, absolutely first-class service quality, YOYIK over the years to the same faith. The main technical backbone are retired senior engineer, senior mechanic. Many of them have participated in the planning, production and installation of power stations such as Gezhouba, Ertan and Three Gorges, and provided high-quality equipment selection, construction planning, installation and dispensing of hundreds of hydropower stations and overhaul of thermal power plants. , After-sales service and other train services.

Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:

#DF-Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20-DF
input speed sensor CS1
sensor de lvdt TDZ-1E-01A
sensor de lvdt HL-6-20-15
lvdt position sensor LVDT-20-6
pt100 thermocouple WREK2-321
industrial displacement sensor K156.36.06.006
high temperature sensor WZP2-441(Pt100)
lvdt displacement transducer 6000TD
thermal resistance WZPK2-220
rtd temperature WZP2-221
turbine speed sensors ecu plate G-065-05-01
liquid level float switch UT-81 209MM
lvdt sensor LVDT-1000-3
lvdt transducer displacement LVDT-200-6
lcd speedometer digital HZQW-03A
Pressure Switch HC0622-24 P=2.4bar I=5A
turbine speed sensor bme tcu
lvdt displacement transducer LVDT-700-6
sensor lvdt DET200A
thermocouple type TC03A2-KY-2B/S5
LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors ZDET-20B
Shaft Rpm Indicator HZQW-03A
displacement inductive sensor 3000TDGN-100-01-01
lvdt sensor HL-3-150-15
thermocouple type WRN2-630
Shaft Speed Sensors CS-1(G-080-02-01)
temperature measurement sensor pt100 WZPK2M-201
turbine speed sensor bme tcu SMCB-01-16L
lvdt 0-300 HL-6-300-15
dc speed control sensor CS-1-D-075-03-01
temperature sensor pt100 WZP2-24SA
sensor lvdt TD-1GN-0150-15-01
lvdt transducer displacement
liquid level gauges LU83-5112
flexible heating element HY-GYY-1.2-415V/3
Displacement sensor LVDT DT300B
Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20

LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors B151.36.09.G4-002
rtd WZPK2-323
lvdt 20mm sensor 3000TDZ-B
pt100 WZP2-001A
turbine speed sensors ecu plate ZS-02 L=65
rtd sensor 4Q15244
Pressure gauge BH-046001-046
stainless steel Thermocouple TE-301
thermocouple voltage TE-403
lvdt displacement sensor TDZ-1D-03
Analog Linear Displacement Sensor B151.36.09.04-012
RPM Sensor magnetic CS-3F-L220-1
lvdt transducer displacement C9231017
lvdt transducer ZDET-250B
displacement sensor DET200A
angular displacement sensor FRD.WJA2.301H
rtd temperature WZP2-280
wire pt100 WZPK2-238
lvdt linear position sensor TDZ-1G-33
Exciter CPU Card PCA-6742VE GES-3320
LVDT Position Sensors ZDET150B
sensor de rpm IMFCS01
linear displacement sensor TDZ-1-13
Thermocouple Assemblies WRN2-4312
pt100 temperature controller WZP2-221
sensor rpm ZS-02 L=75
lvdt 0-300 K156.36.06.005
LVDT Position Sensors TDZ-1C-44
speed sensor ZS-04-180-5000
Analog Linear Displacement Sensor TDZ-1E-25
sensor de rpm CS-1 D-088-02-01
thermowell WREK2-230
non-contact displacement sensor K156.36.06.002
LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors 12000TDGN
rpm sensor CS-3-G-150-05-01
rpm sensor generator D-100-02-01
Rotational speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20


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